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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Set Yourself Free Of Crushing Card Debt Forever

By Frank Froggatt

Among the advantages of credit cards is their convenience. It is nevertheless far to easy to be quickly overwhelmed buy credit card debt and can be exceedingly tough to get out of again. One way that is normally used as a beginning point for getting out of debt is consolidating credit card debt.

If you are one of the many individuals out there who are presently stuck in charge card debt, here is some advice that you will find very accommodating.

Now, the trick to using credit cards responsibly is avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Just because you have a charge card does not mean you should use it frivolously. Purchasing what you desire when you wish without thinking about the outcomes will pretty much guarantee excessive debt. A charge card should only be used when necessary and of course even then, only if you can pay it back promptly.

In situations where you are already in charge card debt nevertheless, one of the first things that you should perform is straightaway stop charging anything extra on your charge cards. A lot of individuals in credit card debt reckon that they are already in trouble so what does it matter if they keep spending, but this is the absolute worst thing that you can do.

Start off dealing with your charge card debt by observing exactly how much is owed, so you know how much money you are contending with here. Then you want to start by paying more than the minimum requital. They will tell you what the minimum payment is, which is the very least amount that they demand, but you want to yield more than this.

This will demonstrate to them your initiative and let them know that you are willing to pay and wanting to pay back your debt. Mail in payments as soon as the invoice is obtained, as every single extra day that you carry a balance, your interest charges are going to accumulate. You should truly work on one card and then start on another, instead of trying to pay them all off at once because this is where it gets problematic and where people often find it unfeasible to get anywhere.

You can get out of charge card debt, just stay positive and remember this helpful advice and you should be fine.

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Common Myths About Whole Life Insurance

By David C Lewis, RFA

Life insurance is necessary. However, most individuals do not carry enough of it. The idea behind life insurance is that we all die. If your spouse dies prematurely, a life insurance policy will make sure that there is enough income to make your family whole for the financial loss you've suffered. Pretty much every adviser agrees having life insurance is a good thing.

But, this is where the consensus ends (sadly). Most every financial professional recognizes the importance of life insurance. However, "gurus" like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman have done a good job of painting the picture that whole life insurance is "evil". There is opposition though, and quite a debate over the issue.

The life insurance industry, and all of it's agents, of course love it. For the most part, the investment industry discounts its importance. So, who wins the debate?

It's surprising that the financial industry is supposed to be the educator. I say that only because many of the financial advisors in my industry seem to be more concerned about what the next "hot" mutual fund is...or manipulating interest rate returns, eliminating or disguising fees and disregarding suitability with respect to their clients.

In truth, neither the insurance industry nor the investment industry is doing a very good job of defending their respective positions. Point Blank: Financial "gurus" are leaving out critical information. Either they do not have a very good grasp of how life insurance really works, or they are outright lying. Either scenario is totally unacceptable.

Their motives for deception can be numerous, and diverse. Now, there isn't anything wrong with pointing out the flaws in a financial product, as long as it can be done objectively. However, in the case of life insurance, the attacks being made are baseless and unsound. This is especially shocking because most, if not all, of these attacks are coming from high profile, well known financial professionals. Here are a few common lies, attacks, & misconceptions:

Lie Number One:

Cash value life insurance is one of the worst financial products available, and it is definitely the worst type of insurance you can buy to insure your life. The BEST kind of insurance is term insurance because it's cheap and I'm not paying all those extra fees to the evil and greedy insurance company. Besides, don't insurance companies have a record of being reckless, cheating their policyholders, and systematically going out of business.

Fact: About 1% of all term policies pay a claim. So, your family has (roughly) a 1% chance that they will benefit from that term policy. Term insurance is cheap - IF you are only considering the cost per thousand dollars of insurance. It is guaranteed to get more expensive as time goes on (and you will see this if your policy gets repriced). Life insurance companies are not dumb. They know they can collect premiums from term life and make a killing because the turnover rate is high (people drop their policies before the term is up) or the policy owner simply doesn't die before the term is up. Life insurance companies are in the business to make money and provide a product. You have to understand how they position their products and how they make money.

Insurance uses something called the Law of Large Numbers. Basically this is how it works: the larger the group of people you are insuring, the more certain you can be about the number of losses you will sustain.

If I started a life insurance company and I only had one customer, I would be taking on an incredible risk because of the nature of life insurance, if that one person dies, I could be out of business very quickly. If, however, I have thousands or millions of customers, then I can manage the risk. Since no one can predict when a specific individual will die (i.e. no one can predict when I will die), I need a large number of people to study to formulate a statistic. With a large enough number of people, I can make surprisingly accurate predictions about the number of individuals within a particular group that will die in any given year. So...what do the statistics say?

They say that that term insurance doesn't pay, since most individuals live until age 65. This is why I say permanent is a better deal. In the long-run, it's cheaper. I know, I know...there are probably a few of you saying "no way, it is always cheaper to buy term insurance". Oh yeah? Watch this:

Let's reuse our example, Jim. Let's assume Jim is 25 and in good health with a wife and a Kiddo. He needs life insurance, and he is looking at $250,000 in coverage. A 30-year level term policy would cost Jim around $370 per year until age 55. At that point, Jim's premiums spike to over $4,700 per year.

After 65, will have spent $58,780 in premiums. That's a lot! Also, remember that this is money that the insurance company collects and never has to give back. Since there's no cash value associated with term insurance, the insurance contract pays off only when he dies.

What would have happened if he had purchased the same amount of death benefit but used a universal life insurance policy? His annual premiums would have been higher - $1739. By his 65th birthday, Jim has a total premium outlay of $69,560 ($1739 x 40). Wow! But, he will have built up $157,000 of cash value inside the policy.

That money can be used on a tax-free basis to supplement his retirement or left alone to continue growing. This is an example of one of many living benefits that permanent insurance has (didn't your adviser tell you about that?). Some permanent policies also offer an option to spend down up to 100% of the death benefit for any reason in the event of a critical, chronic, or terminal illness. This can be especially useful if you haven't been able to accumulate a lot of money and something tragic happens to you...and you live!

Lie number two:

Cash value life insurance is overpriced. You can never tell how much money you are spending on death benefit and how much money is actually going into the cash value of the policy. With term insurance, the costs are clear.

Fact: Whole life insurance carries a stigma in that it is often difficult to determine how much the death benefit is costing you. However, universal life insurance is, in actuality, a term policy with a separate savings account - often called 'the pot of money'. The costs are broken down and the policy is very transparent. Cash value insurance can seem expensive in comparison to term insurance because of the front loaded nature of the contract and the fact that you are forced to save money in a cash account. Sadly, the fees charged by the insurance company are being stressed (I guess they don't know that all financial products carry similar fees).

Be thankful that you pay some of the fees that you do. It makes saving and investing money a lot easier. In regard to life insurance, you have a choice: the contract can be set up to maximize the death benefit (maximizing the cost of the contract), or it can be set up to focus on cash accumulation (minimizing expense charges). All of the expenses associated with permanent life insurance can be made just as efficient and in some cases more efficient than an investment product. But why compare insurance to an investment?

In the long run, you will usually get all of your money back that you put into a cash value policy and then some. You can even structure the policy so that it provides substantial cashflow in retirement. The only exceptions to this are variable life insurance contracts. There really aren't any guarantees on them.

Lie number three:

If you are smart with the money you have today and you get rid of your mortgage, car loans and credit card debt and put money into retirement plans you don't need insurance 30 years from now to protect your family when you die.

Fact: You might need insurance to protect your children from a big tax burden. Even if you are "smart" with your money, you can't predict the future with absolute certainty. Some people alive today are experiencing a 40% loss in their retirement accounts 5 years before retirement. This is money that was supposed to be there for them and it isn't. If your investments take a hit right before YOU are ready to retire, it doesn't matter how "smart" you were with your money.

Is life insurance is necessary as you get older? You will be shocked at the costs of even a modest funeral these days. What does the average funeral cost in your home town? Ask a funeral director. What is the inflation effect in the funeral industry. If it costs $12,000 today, what will it cost in 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Ask any beneficiary who has been left any amount of money what they paid in taxes and if it was financially disruptive to them personally.

That cash value life insurance policy that your financial guru told you to ditch could have bypassed probate, provided an income tax free death benefit and, inside of a life insurance trust, completely avoided the estate tax thereby giving your heirs what they deserve.

Although many financial gurus try to draw a connection between insurance and investing in the process of telling you what a lousy investment cash value life insurance is, comparing this type of insurance to investing is nonsensical. It's like asking "how many vinyl records does it take to equal a DVD?"...we're talking about two different products that, while somewhat related, work in two very different ways - each with their own different objectives.

Before you make a final decision on whether to buy term or cash value life insurance, consider what you are really looking for. If you are looking for an investment, then be prepared to look for stocks, bonds, no load mutual funds, options, and other various financial derivatives (and learn how to research them). If you're looking for a long-term savings tool, then cash value life insurance can fit that need very well.

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Warning Signs You Shouldn't Invest?

By M Taylor

Before you decide to invest in any kind of market, you really need to take a long look at your current financial situation. Investing in the future is a good thing; however, if your current financial status is less than ideal, it could be the worst mistake you'll ever make.

The easiest way to do this is to pull your current credit report. It's extremely important to get a credit report at least once a year, and it's very important to read your credit report and find out what's on it, so that you can get all the negative items on your credit report prior to starting to invest in the markets. For instance, .if you saved up $25,000 that you want to invest, you are better off cleaning up the credit first then taking what's left and investing that in the markets.

Before I share with you the idea that you should invest your windfall, there are a few things that you should consider. You really need to take a long look at your current financial situation.

Warning! If you go with the faulty logic that all you need to know is that you should try and make an investment in your future, you might as well drive books down the driveway. Yep, drive books and watch pumpkins fly. If you go for this hype without clearing up bad or potentially bad situations in the present, you might as well start "Chunkin Those Pumpkins", because you are going to be about as successful long-term as tossing a baby grand piano across the room.

If you can't do anything else, roll the money from the high interest credit card on to one with lower interest, and refinance high interest loans with loans that are at lower interest rates. It may be in your best interest to apply some of your investment money into paying down your loans and credit cards, but in the long run, you will see that this is the wisest course of action after reviewing all of your expenses and payouts.

Get yourself into good financial shape and then you can work towards improving your finance position. Investing doesn't make sense if your bank balance is shaky, or if you're living from paycheck to paycheck and paying bills is a constant scramble. Making sure that you pay your monthly bills, instead of investing your money would make better sense.

While you work towards financial independence, you could take the time to educate yourself on the various types of investments that are available.

Here's a secret: Investing doesn't make sense if your bank balance is shaky to disastrous, if your monthly bills are a constant struggle and you feel like you can't breathe out without hearing from a collection agency. Investing your dollars in rectifying your adverse financial issues first makes better sense and you'll sleep better at night. Progressing towards financial solvency will also give you time to educate yourself on the different types of investments available. In this way, when you found yourself financially sound once again, you will be prepared to make good investments for your future.

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Set Yourself Free Of Crushing Card Debt Permanently

By Frank Froggatt

Among the advantages of credit cards is their convenience. It is nonetheless far to easy to be quickly overcome buy credit card debt and can be extremely troublesome to get out of again. One way that is commonly used as a starting point for getting out of debt is consolidating credit card debt.

If you are one of the many individuals out there who are presently stuck in charge card debt, here is some advice that you will find very accommodating.

Now, the trick to using credit cards responsibly is avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Just because you have a credit card does not mean you should use it frivolously. Purchasing what you want when you wish without considering the consequences will pretty much assure excessive debt. A charge card should only be used when required and of course even then, only if you can pay it back right away.

If yet you are already in great debt with your cards, the foremost thing you have got to do is cease using them. Maybe you think you're already so deep in the mess that continuing to charge on your accounts couldn't possibly make things worse, this is 100% wrong. It's the poorest thing you can do.

To gain control of the situation, stop expending on them cards. Then figure out how much you owe altogether. Now begin paying more than the nominal needed requital. Try to overpay as much as manageable. A charge card will NEVER be paid if you only pay the nominal needed.

This gives your lenders the feeling you genuinely do want to pay your bill. It shows you're not only ready to pay, but that you mean to pay it in full. Yield more and pay on time. If you do this the interest will stay low and your debt will begin to shrink. It can be difficult to do this with multiple accounts however, if that's your state of affairs, a debt consolidation or balance transfer may be the option for you.

You can get out of credit card debt, just remain positive and recall this helpful advice and you should be okay.

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Assess Your Finances Before Investing

By M Taylor

Before you decide to invest in any kind of market, you really need to take a long look at your current financial situation. Investing in the future is a good thing; however, if your current financial status is less than ideal, it could be the worst mistake you'll ever make.

However, that's exactly what some people will do mistakenly thinking that a 3-5% interest rate from investments is enormous while their credit cards bill them 9-18% plus finance and late charges.

First, get your latest credit report. You should, in reality, do this once a year. It's very important to read your credit report, find out what's on it, and clean up any negative items on the report as quickly as possible.

Let's take an example, one thing you might be able to get rid of are those credit cards with all that high interest. Organize your high interest credit cards so that you can pay off the ones with the highest interest first, and then apply the payments made on those to the ones with lower interest working systematically to get rid of them quickly.

Many people make a priority mistake when they decide to invest. In order to avoid that, see which are paying out on a monthly basis, look at all the dispersal's and get rid of the expenses that are frivolous.

Forget everything and listen, you'll want to look at what you're monthly payouts are, and get rid of expenses that are not necessary. For instance, high interest credit cards are not only unnecessary but just plain bad decision making. Your plan should be to pay them off as quickly as possible and don't continue to charge up those cards.

While you work towards financial independence, you could take the time to educate yourself on the various types of investments that are available.

Here's a secret: Investing doesn't make sense if your bank balance is shaky to disastrous, if your monthly bills are a constant struggle and you feel like you can't breathe out without hearing from a collection agency. Investing your dollars in rectifying your adverse financial issues first makes better sense and you'll sleep better at night. Progressing towards financial solvency will also give you time to educate yourself on the different types of investments available. In this way, when you found yourself financially sound once again, you will be prepared to make good investments for your future.

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Do You Need Permanent Life Insurance?

By David C Lewis, RFA

Life insurance is necessary. However, most individuals do not carry enough of it. The idea behind life insurance is that we all die. If your spouse dies prematurely, a life insurance policy will make sure that there is enough income to make your family whole for the financial loss you've suffered. Pretty much every adviser agrees having life insurance is a good thing.

But, this is where the consensus ends (sadly). Most every financial professional recognizes the importance of life insurance. However, "gurus" like Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman have done a good job of painting the picture that whole life insurance is "evil". There is opposition though, and quite a debate over the issue.

Life insurance agents of course love cash value insurance. The investment industry does a pretty good job of putting down the insurance industry. So...who's right?

It is sometimes surprising that the financial industry is charged with the responsibility of informing and educating the rest of society about saving and investing principles, and yet many of the advisors that represent the industry seem to be less concerned about truth and honesty, and more concerned about injecting their own personal agenda.

On both sides of the debate, neither is doing a very good job of defending their respective position. It amazes me to see so many financial professionals leave out important information about not only their products but about the nature of insurance contracts. I wonder sometimes if they even have any idea of how life insurance really works.

Their motives for deception can be numerous, and diverse. Now, there isn't anything wrong with pointing out the flaws in a financial product, as long as it can be done objectively. However, in the case of life insurance, the attacks being made are baseless and unsound. This is especially shocking because most, if not all, of these attacks are coming from high profile, well known financial professionals. Here are a few common lies, attacks, & misconceptions:

Lie Number One:

Cash value life insurance is a waste of money. It is the worst type of insurance you can buy. The BEST kind of insurance is term insurance because it's cheap. Insurance companies are shady and always try to take advantage of policyholders and cash value insurance is proof of that.

Fact: Less that 2% of all term policies ever sold ever pay a claim. Which means: there is a 98% chance that your family will never benefit from a term policy. Term insurance may be the best type of insurance if all you are considering is the cost per thousand dollars of insurance. It is generally the worst type of insurance you can buy to insure your life if you are expecting your family to benefit from it (statistically speaking). You need to understand how life insurance companies position their products and how they make money.

Insurance uses something called the Law of Large Numbers. Basically this is how it works: the larger the group of people you are insuring, the more certain you can be about the number of losses you will sustain.

For example, if we were to start an insurance company and we only had one customer, we would be taking on an incredible risk because of the nature of life insurance, if that one person dies, we could be out of business very quickly (imagine that one customer giving you $20 for a $250,000 death benefit and then dying the very next day). If, however, we have a million customers, then we can better control the risks we are taking by insuring other people's lives. No one can predict when an individual will die, but if we study a large enough group of people, we can make surprisingly accurate predictions about the number of individuals within that group that will die in any given year. Given that insurance companies have an excellent record of predicting deaths every year, what do all of the statistics say?

They say that that term insurance doesn't pay, since most individuals live until age 65. This is why I say permanent is a better deal. In the long-run, it's cheaper. I know, I know...there are probably a few of you saying "no way, it is always cheaper to buy term insurance". Oh yeah? Watch this:

Let's reuse our example, Jim. Let's assume Jim is 25 and in good health with a wife and a Kiddo. He needs life insurance, and he is looking at $250,000 in coverage. A 30-year level term policy would cost Jim around $370 per year until age 55. At that point, Jim's premiums spike to over $4,700 per year.

At age 65, he will have spent $58,780 on policy premiums. Keep in mind that this is money that the insurance company collected but never had to pay back. Since there's no cash value in a pure insurance (term) plan, the insurance contract pays off only when Jim dies.

What would have happened if he had, say, purchased the same amount of death benefit but used a universal life insurance policy with slightly higher but level annual premiums of $1739 every year to age 100? By his 65th birthday, 'ole Jimbo would have had a total premium outlay of $69,560 ($1739 x 40). But, he would have built up $157,000 of cash value inside the policy.

This money is part of the policy's living benefits, and can be used on a tax-free basis to supplement his retirement or left alone to continue growing. Some life insurance companies also offer an option to spend down up to 100% of the death benefit if you become chronically or terminally ill. If you haven't been able to accumulate a lot of money, this can be very helpful.

Lie number two:

Cash value life insurance is overpriced for what you get. You never know how much money you are spending on the death benefit, how much money is actually going into the cash value of the policy, and how much interest you are really earning. Term insurance is so much simpler.

Fact: Whole life insurance carries a stigma in that it is often difficult to determine how much the death benefit is costing you. However, universal life insurance is, in actuality, a term policy with a separate savings account - often called 'the pot of money'. The costs are broken down and the policy is very transparent. Cash value insurance can seem expensive in comparison to term insurance because of the front loaded nature of the contract and the fact that you are forced to save money in a cash account. Sadly, the fees charged by the insurance company are being stressed (I guess they don't know that all financial products carry similar fees).

Be thankful that you pay some of the fees that you do. It makes saving and investing money a lot easier than having to fire a lawyer to negotiate every individual contract you sign. A life insurance contract can be set up to maximize the death benefit (maximizing the cost of the contract), or it can be set up to focus on cash accumulation (minimizing expense charges to .5% - 1% of the interest earned over the life of the policy). The expenses associated with a permanent life insurance contract can be made just as efficient and in some cases more so than what the antagonists suggest as an alternative - which is usually some type of mutual fund - without sacrificing the practicality of owning the contract. But again, why are the antagonists trying to compare the cost of insurance to an investment?

You will usually get all of your money back that you put into a permanent policy plus interest (depending on how you structured the contract). Additionally, the policy can give you a substantial tax-free income at retirement. The only exception to this is variable life, which typically has no guarantee on cash values

Lie number three:

If you are smart with your money, pay off your mortgage and other loans, and put money into retirement plans you won't need insurance 30 years from now to protect your family.

Fact: You might need insurance to protect your children from a big tax burden. Even if you are "smart" with your money, you can't predict the future with absolute certainty. Some people alive today are experiencing a 40% loss in their retirement accounts 5 years before retirement. This is money that was supposed to be there for them and it isn't. If your investments take a hit right before YOU are ready to retire, it doesn't matter how "smart" you were with your money.

Still don't think life insurance is necessary as you get older? Consider that dying isn't free. What does the average funeral cost in your home town? Ask a funeral director how quickly the costs double over any given time period. You will be shocked...shocked I tell you. Also, ask any child whose parents left them a sizable IRA what they paid in taxes and if it was financially disruptive.

Your financial guru told you cash value insurance was evil, but it could have really helped out of a jam when the tax man cometh. You could also bypassing probate, providing an income tax free death benefit and, inside of a life insurance trust, completely avoid the estate tax.

Although many financial gurus try to draw a connection between insurance and investing in the process of telling you what a lousy investment cash value life insurance is, comparing this type of insurance to investing is nonsensical. It's like asking "how many vinyl records does it take to equal a DVD?"...we're talking about two different products that, while somewhat related, work in two very different ways - each with their own different objectives.

Before you make any decision on whether to buy term or cash value life insurance, think about what you are trying to accomplish. If you want to invest your money, then learn about investing. Learn how to value corporations and buy stocks, bonds, no load mutual funds. If you want a long-term savings, then find an adviser that can maximize your savings through cash value life insurance.

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By Being Bankrupt Can Finance Be Arranged?

By Steve Bruce

A person who is bankrupt but has enough equity in the place they own such as their house should never have a problem about acquiring finance. Acquiring a home loan at an affordable interest rate is not that challenging to achieve and even having a bad credit can't hinder you from acquiring it.

Of course it is not that simple and some terms will have to be met albeit very fundamental ones, however, being a bankrupt will not be one of them. Specially created to meet the needs and conditions by which a bankrupt has to organise his financial affairs, these home equity loans for individuals who are bankrupt are restricted to that group of people only.

Having a standard home loan is better compared to meeting the standards for the credit score normally reserved for home loans even though it is much lower, the interest rates are good and the steps necessary to accomplish it is not that tough. The equity release is accessible as a portion of the remaining equity in the home if the outstanding mortgage were paid of in its entirety although if a secured loan is already part o the equation, this will be deducted as well. To simply put, a home equity loan will be taken from the eighty five percent of the remaining amount after a mortgage has been taken and to site with, let's take a individual owning a one hundred thousand dollar home - after you have taken off your fair share of mortgage at about fifty thousand dollar for an instance, then you will be left with an even fifty thousand dollars and from that is where the home loan can be taken.

Even though the home loan is being made to someone who is bankrupt, they will receive good terms for the loan because it is secured on the place which also means that a larger sum of money is available. With this type of loan, all the advantages seem to be with the individual borrowing the money as they are give better interest rates than bankrupts can usually expect in addition to better repayment terms which means they should never have a problem making the installment.

Credit checks on secured home loans are never very thorough as the lender is aware of the collateral in the place so is more at ease with lending it to someone who is bankrupt. As the prerequisites for this form of loan have been reduced, the loan applicant can expect a swift resolution which is not something that would normally happen for a secured loan. The meticulous analysis of the property's deeds is the first of the few leftover steps that you should take on once the credit verification has been completed. Not only will the person borrowing the money need to show that they are in employment and have the means but also that the repayment is not going to overburden the borrower.

What is there that shouldn't be a problem for the lenders anymore is the thought that the borrower has the means to pay so the assurance that the monthly premiums is not exceeding 40 percent of the person's income should coincide with its request for current copies of pay checks. For borrowers that cannot show this, their loan total may be lowered until it does fall within the guidelines and does not cause fiscal strain on the borrower when repayments are due.

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A Nifty Guide To Restoring Financial Credit

By Chris Channing

The one thing to learn from interacting with credit is that it will take precious time in building it- but even more time in repairing it. If you've made some poor choices in recent years, and it shows on your credit report, there will be much work ahead in fixing it. But with following a few simple guidelines, and showing responsibility, it will only be a matter of time before the credit rating is restored.

There are countless possibilities that we could speculate go into a credit rating. While we aren't sure exactly on what affects the credit rating and in what quantities, it's fairly apparent that initiating a responsible behavior is the best practice. Prime example is seen with the negative impact some credit companies place on a rating if a consumer has too many loans out at one time- since this shows irresponsibility in maintaining funds from a single loan alone.

Not everything in a credit rating is based on money or responsibility directly. An example of an indirect factor is the metric of number of times a report is accessed. More credit rating report requests will, on average, imply that a consumer is having a hard time trying to find a lender that will trust them enough to initiate a loan. Of course there are other reasons that are viable as well, so this may not have too much weight on a credit rating.

The length in which you have been interacting with the finance industry is also a factor. Starting off early is the best decision, since a longer time experiencing the credit world usually means more experience in handling the associated responsibility. Even without financial trouble, starting to build credit at an older age will be much more difficult than the average adult who has had experience in credit since becoming of age.

Some lenders and credit agencies are able to access payment records of different sorts. If payments are frequently late, it goes to show that the applicant is likely rather irresponsible. At any rate, it shows that the consumer is unable to pay their current load of bills, and shouldn't be trusted with more until their condition improves.

Some things that may go on a credit report will mar a consumer's score for years to come. It's very important that a consumer get proper financial help when they are nearing the edge of bankruptcy. It is common for bankruptcy to ruin one's credit rating for a decade- something that obviously is going to hinder one from living a normal life.

Closing Comments

There are many resources available to consumers who may need help. From the Internet to government-run programs, a consumer should never feel like he or she is alone in the fight to a success in finances.

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Making Money From Passions

By Thomas L Russo

In making online many people jump right in before they are properly ready. You know that to be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a school teacher, a surveyor, an office worker, a lawyer there is study and exams to do , things you must learn, before becoming successful, you don't just jump right in unprepared

The same applies to the Internet marketing industry even though there are unsavory people out there who'd have you believe it's a "Walk in the Park" and requires no more than the belief that you can just do it.

And I must admit, it is as easy as falling of a log compared to what you have to go through with in the working world clocking in and being a underling to someone who does not have your best interests in their mind, but there are still methods and rules you have to follow and down falls you must avoid to really make Internet marketing work for you.

A lot of people will not make a cent online and yet there are others who will make more in one month than most people make in a whole year. Why is this?

My answer to this begins with the age-old question which is the chicken or egg question, "what comes first the chicken or the egg"? Each argument you or I make comes back to the same old answer - I have no idea and I don't think many of us do either

But one thing I do have a clue about and know for sure is that to make money online you must first have Passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.

Passion in this meaning means that you've researched the company and and like the products or services it provides. It is then that you translate that Passion or like into the learning, excitement and work that very often accompanies Passion.

I will have to say that many online entrepreneurs are so good at what they do that they ignore passion because they can sell anything. But I'm concerned about those of you who are not so knowledgeable at working an online business successfully.

Now, I'm not trying to make everyone believe that Passion is the only thing that's needed. Because to be really successful you must also have a good website, good marketing, widespread advertising, company support, effective keywords, good business relationships and so on. Those attributes are often learned from the company you join - but sidestep Passion and you reduce your chances for success greatly.

It follows that, if you have no Passion for the company and the products and services provided by that company, you won't try to do the work you are being taught.

Internet marketing work is typically not all that difficult or time consuming but it does take motivation caused by Passion to get you off and running with a sustained effort so that you won't stumble.

You have a great resource in the Internet search engines such as Google or Yahoo to search about the Internet Marketing Industry for online or offline business opportunities, PLEASE USE IT!

In doing your research you should discover a company that you like and will have confidence in. It should be founded on great principles, solid, and easily to understood with terrific products and services that are sell-able for which you can have Passion. If you don't find it move on, you will I'm sure find the right opportunity containing the attributes identified above. It just takes a bit of time and patience

Comments like, well, that one sounds good and the compensation plan is excellent so I guess I'll start that business - does not sound like a decision based on anything near Passion. And remember when you hear that an Internet "guru" does that, don't be tempted, because as I said earlier they are experienced and can sell just about anything, without being Passionate about the company products and services.

Note: By the way it's your aiml to try to get to the point where you can sell about anything online you desire. That end skill and goal is a worthy achievementl

Remember, there are other steps you must make before you step into Internet Marketing but if you can't first find that right company with products and services that you can be passionate about, then all of those other steps may just cause you a lot of trouble instead of bringing you a great result.

By not being Passionate about a company and it's products and services that has proven it's self in the market that it will sell is a pitfall you simply must avoid.

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Getting Rid Of Your Credit Card Debt

By Peter de Vizard

If you have large credit card debt, as so many people do, you should know that the longer you carry a balance from month to month, the more you will end up paying off, and the more troubled your financial outlook will become.

For some, it may seem impossible to get rid of the debt, but if you go about it the right way, you can get rid of it once and for all.

The first thing you have to do is decide that you really going to make an effort to change, regardless of how difficult it may seem. Once you set your mind to being credit card free, you will have the determination needed to get yourself out of this debt quagmire. It will take time, persistence and control plus an understanding that it wont an "instant fix"

Once you have made your decision to get rid of your credit card debt, the first thing you should do close your open cards, so you aren't tempted to use them, thus accumulating even more debt. Even using your credit card to pay for a $3.00 meal at lunch can end up costing you ten times that much in interest.

It's better to get rid of those cards, and resist that temptation for good. Shred the cards up, or put them somewhere in the house where you can't get them easily. Maybe only in use of emergency, and the craving for a Starbucks Frappachino is not an emergency!

When you get your monthly credit card statements, aim to pay at least twice the minimum payment due on each card, more if you can squeeze it into your budget, The faster the amount owed goes down, the less you pay in interest per month.

Credit card lenders make their money off of interest and other fees they charge, so you have to really work at those balances, even if it means doing without something to make a larger payment. You may not see a significant difference at first, but with several payments that are on time and considerably more than what is due, you will start to see those balances come down.

Once you get used to paying more than the minimum payments due, you should take the time to compare the interest rates on all of your cards, and push all the extra money you can into the card that has the highest rate. When that balance is paid in full, divert that money to the card with the next highest rate, and so on, until you are clean of all the debt..

It's a long-shot, but some of the larger credit card lenders do have programs that can help cardholders payoff their accounts at a reduced rate. Just read the fine print, follow the terms closely, because in most cases, if you make one late payment, you are dropped from the program. All the interest and fees resume on the account. If that happens, you will quickly lose any ground that you may have gained.

By making the decision to get rid of your credit card debt, and working towards your goals, you can see the light at the end of the debt tunnel; it just may take you some time to reach it! You can do it if remain committed, put the effort in and have your family and friends on board. Try to imagine how it feel to be free of the pain once you have got rid of your credit card debt.

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Teaching Kids about Money for Life-Long Healthy Financial Habits

By Laura Nelson-Smith

Kids catch onto the importance of money in life pretty quickly as they watch us use it. The way to show your child the value of a dollar is by teaching them the different ways a dollar is used.

Begin When They're Young

Start showing your child at a young age how money works. It's imperative for kids to learn that money is something that is earned. They need to understand that the products or services we need in life are provided in exchange for money, and the value or worth of what is being sold is up to the seller to determine. There is no way to purchase an item or service when you don't have money

A follow-up to this is talking about saving money. A child with a couple dollars could go buy a piece of candy (that'll be gone in 10 seconds) or an inexpensive toy (that will be broken in 10 minutes or completely forgot about the next day). However, if that child decides to save those dollars, a better item can be purchased that may have more meaning and last longer.

Have A Savings Plan

One way to teach children about savings is setting a percentage they should save every time they earn money. Ten percent is an easy sum to learn; simply move the decimal point one space to the left. For every $1.00 earned, $0.10 will be saved ($23.48 earned, $2.34 saved).

This savings isn't for a better short-term item, but for a "rainy day" or even a car or college fund. The remaining $0.90 can be used for the candy or "better item" as mentioned above. This principle can teach the child self discipline for very long-term savings (i.e. a house or retirement when they're an adult).

It is a given that a six-year-old will not get the "rainy day" theory, and talking to them about the privilege of driving may not win brownie points; but after saving 10% over the years, they can see how it adds up. This is a valuable teaching for when they get their first job. They will be used to saving that 10% already

You can also share with them about putting some money to the side to give to a charity they are interested in. Concepts like this teach them even more about managing their money.

As Your Child Grows

When your child is more mature, take him or her to the bank with you and open a line of savings in their (and your) name. Once or twice a month, take your child to the bank so they can deposit their money into their account. Let them see the bank statement and watch how their money is growing with the help of interest.

It is a good idea for them to know that interest is a big part of saving and spending. With interest you either pay more or earn more; it all depends on what the interest is for. It is a good idea to show teenagers that if a debt is not paid for in 30 days, they will end up paying more for an item than the purchase price.

A good way to prove how unfavorable or great interest can be is by role-playing. Find an item your teenager wants to use a credit card to pay for. Create a chart showing how making only the paying the minimum changes what the total debt is, how long it will take to pay the debt off with minimum payments, and how much interest (or money lost), is paid in total.

Then you can take that same amount of months it will take to pay it off and compare the interest they pay with the interest they could earn if they save money for the item. While the interest earned won't be much, your goal is to show them that if they save money to purchase the item, they will only have to pay the cost of the item plus tax, but they won't pay any interest.

When children understand how money works they'll (hopefully) be more inclined to use responsibility when making money decisions.

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Four Easy ways to Start Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt

By PJ Easton

Credit card debt can create a large amount of stress in your life. It can break families, hurt marriages and generally make life painful. Sometimes quick decisions like this can create problems for years for years to come. Here a 4 simple ways to get started in getting rid of the debt:

1. Cut up the cards! - Very simple steps you can do right now, you have to stop any increase of the debt. At the same time you have to commit to not getting any more cards. You have to be able to look at your position so you can see a way out. If the debt still increases while you are trying to reduce it, it becomes a vicious circle of pain

2. Get rid of what you don't need- that's right sell it! Have a yard sale, a garage sale, and ebay sale but make it move! Anything to move stuff you don't need any more. Get the whole family involved, make it a game. Even you only make few dollars, make sure it all goes to reducing your debt.

3. Set up a debt repayment plan- Use the bank to set up automatic payments into your card, a set amount every time you get paid. This way you can set and forget it and know that an amount is set up every time you get paid, and it will be paid with you having to take any action.

4. Reduce out goings- Reduce how much you spend- this means instead of buying that daily meal at Starbucks, could you make something more healthy and take it with you? This means you will have to more organized. At the same time, you have to commit to putting aside the money you would have spent, otherwise you will find the money disappearing and you wont know where its gone.

Its is important to learn the lesson of what happened to get you the position you are in and also look at the changes you have to make as the result of your own actions. Your accountability, from your actions- yours to fix, not the city, the countries or anyone else- your actions to fix it.

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Protect your Name by Using your Credit Cards Wisely

By Paul J. Easton

Using a credit card can reap benefits such as cash back and bonus points. Ina addition to that, you can also earn airline miles to fund your next vacation travel and have a better credit score. Use it unwisely, however, and you will end up with a life of debt.

Paying the balance of your credit cards takes much discipline. As a general rule, you should always pay off your entire balance with your credit card every month and on time. If you are not paying the entire balance, you will pay interest on your purchases.

Make your payments when they are due. Late fees can accumulate a huge amount in the long run. What is worst is that a couple of late payments will trigger an increase in interest rates. Late payments lower your credit score. Simultaneously with a lower credit score, an increase with your interest rate is expected with your other credit cards and for possible future loans too.

As a solution, limit credit cards to a number you can handle. Just be content with two cards, with one as most ideal today. Financial experts recommend only up to six cards per individual but with today's meltdown and hyped marketing in various medium, just stick to a maximum of two credit cards.

What you might not know is that applying for many credit cards can actually hurt your credit score. On the contrary, closing several credit card accounts in very short intervals will prompt a huge plunge in your credit score.

Always read the fine print before signing that deal. Research or ask the interest rate you will be charged with a credit card. Find out what is the grace period for paying your debt before interest. Also, look for the universal default clause. This allows an increase in your interest rate with every late payment in any other bill.

Lastly, make each credit card purchase only within your budget for the month. If you can't, stop using it and leave it at home. Keep it just for emergency only. Protect your name and your credit score by using your credit card wisely all the time. It is far more important than your whims today; it is your financial future.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Good Reasons To Get A Mastercard

By Jeff Holmes

In these uncertain times despite a poor credit score it is still feasible for an individual to acquire a credit card from the multitude that presently flood the market. The main two credit card suppliers by and large the best to try if you find yourself in a poor credit state of affairs are Visa and Mastercard. The question you really need to ask is, what guarantees a bad credit Mastercard a better choice to apply for over Visa?

Even though there was a difference, ordinarily in favor of Visa, because of the amount of establishments it was accepted at, these days there is very little disparity. In fact in many cases it is actually Mastercard that is acknowledged more easily and received in outlets. While the advantages of either one will be very close to many other cards, they will more than likely find that the interest amount levied by the two financial institutions will be more than normal. Providing the person issued with it uses the Mastercard sensibly and to guarantee the monthly repayments are made before the due date (whenever possible more than the bare minimum), they will begin to see their credit rating get better in a relatively short amount of time. Of course an added bonus to this will be an improvement in the interest you are liable to pay on the card later, once the state of affairs has got better.

It's a good idea, particularly if you have acquired a poor credit score and are trying to get a credit card, to study the terms and conditions prior to signing on the dotted line. Of course it is the web that is the fastest and simplest way to find out more about what is available to someone in your financial situation. This is the perfect place to find websites that can quickly illustrate which companies you need apply to for a Mastercard if you have an adverse credit history.

Owing to the number available that you may be eligible to apply for it is best you are conscious of exactly what advantages each one offers so we will take a look at these below:

When you use this card, reports are transmitted to the three important credit accounting bureaus on how responsibly you are utilising your card that allows a continual method of correcting your credit history. More than this, if a person looks after their credit card in a responsible manner, paying regular installments that are sent before the cut off date, it is quite normal for the credit card supplier to give them more to spend in recognition of this.

One good reason to apply for this card is that, strangely, they do not demand any one-off fees from the person applying but still supply protective covering for any purchases made with it. Fortunately, this also sends detailed accounts to the primary credit agencies just as the poor credit Mastercard provided by Continental Finance. Two other advantages to this particular credit card over others includes the closely matched APR it enforces and a much lower annual charge which can be of tremendous help to those who do not have complete control over their finances yet.

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