How To Improve An Unsatisfactory Credit Score
The first thing to do before obtaining a loan is to check one's credit report. A credit report will detail why the score is what it is. Many times there may be errors or mistakes that credit companies have logged, which could negatively impact one's rating. Because of this, obtaining a free credit report is almost mandatory before visiting a lender for the first time in hopes of obtaining a loan.
Next to consider is to take out another loan- even if you don't need it. Parents should also take special note and perhaps take out a loan in a child's name so as to build their credit at an early age. This is essentially giving the bank more money for seemingly nothing, but actually this impacts one's credit score for the better if the payments are made on time and no problems ensue.
Be extremely careful on what goes on a credit card, and only put an product or service on a credit card if you think you can pay the full amount back within a month. If you don't, your payment will be considered late and over a period of time, this will negatively impact one's credit rating. Obviously being responsible is key to a good credit rating.
One situation where one is at a disadvantage in not having credit or being self employed is made better by showing a lender bill statements from the past. As long as you have kept up with payments, this in itself is a form of credit, although not as important as real credit. Every little bit helps in trying to convince a lender your worth, because it will equate into savings.
One thing most don't think about when marrying is that a credit rating will be altered in the process- whether for the better or worse. Your partner's credit rating will have a large emphasis on whether or not a lender trusts the applicant, simply because of the marriage association. This adds a new level of tactics to the mix.
In Conclusion
Credit reports usually aren't free, since they cost money to maintain and process. But there are some lenders and online websites that offer free credit reports, as long as special conditions are met. Look online for more information on this.