Credit Counseling for Credit Repair
If you considered repairing your credit yourself, but decided that this was not for you, a credit counseling agency may be your choice. Sometimes you may be feeling so guilty and emotional about your debt and poor money management that you have to get help from someone else.
When you explore outside agencies, you will immediately notice that there is a plethora of credit repair companies promising you the moon and the stars. Sure, credit repair in 24 hours sounds great, but you can be sure that it's not going to happen. This kind of claim can be easily dismissed. Also, the internet will offer to have several agencies contact you. They will (in 5 months) and/ or they will make some possibly nasty phone calls to you. Avoid these offers.
If you are going with the third party option, you will need to conduct a serious investigation of the agencies you select for consideration. There is some basic information that you are going to require prior to selecting an agency to meet your needs. Shop and compare.
For example, if you contact an agency simply for initial information about their services and costs, and they ask for your information before they will provide answers to your questions. If you are not given the answer to your request for information, stay away from such an agency.
Information about services provided, cost structure and time frames should be provided to you without any knowledge on the company's part regarding your financial situation.
Once you are satisfied with an initial contact, you can ask further questions such as how the procedure will affect your credit reports, how the agency provides assistance with debt management, how does the agency inform you of their activities and does the company offer other money management services.
A very important bit of information that you need to know will be fees for the agency service. There are agencies that ask for big sums of money to initiate the service in addition to a large monthly fee. If you can't pay your debts now, how will you pay exorbitant fees? Beware of becoming involved with a process that is extended over a long time because of fees, even if the agency says it is nonprofit.
It is apparent that finding the right credit repair agency will take some work from you, the payoff will be finding the right match for you.
When you explore outside agencies, you will immediately notice that there is a plethora of credit repair companies promising you the moon and the stars. Sure, credit repair in 24 hours sounds great, but you can be sure that it's not going to happen. This kind of claim can be easily dismissed. Also, the internet will offer to have several agencies contact you. They will (in 5 months) and/ or they will make some possibly nasty phone calls to you. Avoid these offers.
If you are going with the third party option, you will need to conduct a serious investigation of the agencies you select for consideration. There is some basic information that you are going to require prior to selecting an agency to meet your needs. Shop and compare.
For example, if you contact an agency simply for initial information about their services and costs, and they ask for your information before they will provide answers to your questions. If you are not given the answer to your request for information, stay away from such an agency.
Information about services provided, cost structure and time frames should be provided to you without any knowledge on the company's part regarding your financial situation.
Once you are satisfied with an initial contact, you can ask further questions such as how the procedure will affect your credit reports, how the agency provides assistance with debt management, how does the agency inform you of their activities and does the company offer other money management services.
A very important bit of information that you need to know will be fees for the agency service. There are agencies that ask for big sums of money to initiate the service in addition to a large monthly fee. If you can't pay your debts now, how will you pay exorbitant fees? Beware of becoming involved with a process that is extended over a long time because of fees, even if the agency says it is nonprofit.
It is apparent that finding the right credit repair agency will take some work from you, the payoff will be finding the right match for you.
About the Author:
With unprecedented challenges in the credit markets it?s more important than ever to have excellent credit. For more information check out Rob Kosbergs' Detailed FREE Guide on Maintaining and Repairing your Credit Score by going to Bad Credit Repair for your FREE information.
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