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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Having a Frugal Mindset

By William Blake

Many people confuse being frugal with being stingy. A stingy scrooge saves their money, but has nothing but misery to show for it. Someone who lives with a frugal mindset, however, knows how to make sound financial decisions in an effort to improve their life.

Whether you have tons of it or none at all, there is always an ample amount of ways to spend your money. For example, some people choose to buy food at work, while others buy groceries and prepare a lunch to bring along with them. Frugal people prepare their own meals so that the money they save can be used to purchase something special, like a day at the spa, a vacation, or a new pre-owned car.

You can have a frugal mindset when it comes time to receive your income tax refund. This extra money could be spent on a stereo system for the house or as a down payment on a flashy new car. The thrift individual, though, saves some of the money, pays off debts with some, and then uses what is left to enjoy themselves with something special, like a new outfit.

Frugal people do indeed save much of the money they receive, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy their money as well. Even though thrifty people blow money at times in splurges, it is always controlled spending.

Being frugal is about spending money the best way it can be spent. You learn to compare items and opportunities and decide which one is the best choice for you. It requires a willingness to do some research, a boldness to ask questions, and the ability to walk away until another day (or for good).

It takes a special mindset to live a frugal life. You have to understand the bigger picture and be willing to sacrifice a little now in order to gain a lot tomorrow. The trick is that you may not be able to see the gain for some time. It's a walk of faith that in the end it will be better.

A great way to start on the frugal path is to meet some truly frugal people. They will be the happy people who have no hefty bills weighing them down because they have paid them off. Talk to them about their walk and see if they will help you along your own journey.

Learning to be frugal will help you to save money, but it is not just about the money. A frugal person learns to make the best choice in financial situations so that he can enjoy his life to the fullest.

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