Simple & Free Credit Repair You Can Do Right Now!
Regardless of your record or history, there are a number of quick & easy steps you can take towards credit repair. It's never too late, and costs nothing, yet the results can be huge!
To start, you'll need to get a copy of your credit reports and actually go through them. There are three separate credit reporting bureaus and each one will have a slightly different report.
The law now provides consumers the right to one free credit report from each of the bureaus, Experian, TransUnion, and Equfax. You are entitled to one from each company every year.
The FTC, or Federal Trade Commission has a website set up specifically for this: This is the "official" site for these free reports - be wary of any other offers for "free" credit reports, as they won't actually be free.
As soon as you receive your reports, you can begin the process of credit repair. You will start by going through these files line by line.
These reports will either include a "dispute" form, or give you a web address to get them. This is the key where you will begin to fix your credit.
Make a note of each and every entry that is either incorrect, outdated, or inaccurate. For each of these, you will be filing a dispute. You will want to list why the entry should be removed, such as a debt that has already been paid but hasn't yet been removed.
Each credit reporting agency has up to 30 days to either verify the information, or they must remove it by law. Even if the information is accurate, if they don't verify it in time, it gets removed.
With just this simple step, some of these negative entries will be removed from your credit report. They will no longer contribute to a low credit score, and your score will immediately go up - sometimes by hundreds of points!
To start, you'll need to get a copy of your credit reports and actually go through them. There are three separate credit reporting bureaus and each one will have a slightly different report.
The law now provides consumers the right to one free credit report from each of the bureaus, Experian, TransUnion, and Equfax. You are entitled to one from each company every year.
The FTC, or Federal Trade Commission has a website set up specifically for this: This is the "official" site for these free reports - be wary of any other offers for "free" credit reports, as they won't actually be free.
As soon as you receive your reports, you can begin the process of credit repair. You will start by going through these files line by line.
These reports will either include a "dispute" form, or give you a web address to get them. This is the key where you will begin to fix your credit.
Make a note of each and every entry that is either incorrect, outdated, or inaccurate. For each of these, you will be filing a dispute. You will want to list why the entry should be removed, such as a debt that has already been paid but hasn't yet been removed.
Each credit reporting agency has up to 30 days to either verify the information, or they must remove it by law. Even if the information is accurate, if they don't verify it in time, it gets removed.
With just this simple step, some of these negative entries will be removed from your credit report. They will no longer contribute to a low credit score, and your score will immediately go up - sometimes by hundreds of points!
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